Educational Researcher 39:1


Educational Researcher 39:1
January/February 2010

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Table of Contents 


Steven R. Yussen, Deborah R. Dillon, Michael R. Harwell, and James C. Hearn 

Special Issue: New Perspectives on School Safety and Violence Prevention

Matthew J. Mayer and Dewey G. Cornell 

Dewey G. Cornell and Matthew J. Mayer 

Matthew J. Mayer and Michael J. Furlong 

Randy Borum, Dewey G. Cornell, William Modzeleski, and Shane R. Jimerson 

Susan M. Swearer, Dorothy L. Espelage, Tracy Vaillancourt, and Shelley Hymel 

David Osher, George G. Bear, Jeffrey R. Sprague, and Walter Doyle 

Anne Gregory, Russell J. Skiba, and Pedro A. Noguera

Ron Avi Astor, Nancy Guerra, and Richard Van Acker 

91ɬÂþ Highlights