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Featured eBooks


Improving Research-Based Knowledge of College Promise Programs (2020)

Condition or Process? Researching Race in Education

Citizenship Education and Global Migration: Implications for Theory, Research, and Teaching (2017)
Comparing Ethnographies: Local Studies of Education Across the Americas (2017)

  Handbook of Research on Teaching, Fifth Edition (2016)

  Thinking and Acting Systemically: Improving School Districts Under Pressure (2016)


The Standards for Educational & Psychological Testing 
(2014 edition) 
are now open access.

Click  to access downloadable files.

The Estándares para Pruebas Educativas y Psicológicas
(2014 edition, Spanish translation) â€‹are now open access.

Click  to access downloadable files.

Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning (2015)

LGBTQ Issues in Education: Advancing a Research Agenda (2015)


Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue (2015)

91ɬÂþ Books Program

The 91ɬÂþ seeks to serve as a publisher of books of excellence and importance to the education research community, and to practitioners and policymakers interested in education research.