91ɬÂþ Journals
How do I submit my research to an 91ɬÂþ journal? How do I change my journal mailing preferences? How do I access my 91ɬÂþ journals online? How can I become a reviewer for 91ɬÂþ’s journals? Can I access 91ɬÂþ journals in JSTOR? How do I purchase 91ɬÂþ journals? What is 91ɬÂþ's corrections policy for published articles? How do I advance a grievance related to a manuscript I submitted?
91ɬÂþ Books/eBooks
How do I request a desk or exam copy? How do I purchase an eBook? What is the online reading format?
91ɬÂþ Online Paper Repository
How can I access past conference papers? Can I submit a paper I presented at the Annual Meeting to a journal for publication consideration? Can I post a paper I presented at the Annual Meeting to my institution’s repository?
Permissions Requests
Books and Journals Institutional Repository Uploads
Standards and Style
Where can I find information about 91ɬÂþ's Code of Ethics and standards for reporting on research? What style manual does 91ɬÂþ follow?
How do I access my 91ɬÂþ journals online?
Effective January 1, 2022, 91ɬÂþ members receive online access to all 91ɬÂþ journals without cost, as a member benefit. Members may purchase print subscriptions of the journals for an additional $20.00 per journal subscription. If you would like to receive a print subscription for any of our journals, our Membership team can assist.
To access all of our journals online, please follow these steps:
Alternatively: 1. Please visit www.aera.net. 2. Select “Publications” at the top, then “Journals” on the left-hand side. 3. Select the appropriate journal. 4. Select the journal’s “Online” link and log in to view content. To activate your account on the new SAGE Journals platform, please follow the instructions below:
Journals in JSTOR have "moving walls" that define the time lag between the most current issue published and the content available in JSTOR. 91ɬÂþ journals have a three-year moving wall that shifts each January when new issues are posted.
How do I purchase an eBook? What is the online reading format? eBooks are available through 91ɬÂþ’s eBook website, . Discounts are available for 91ɬÂþ members; coupon codes are listed in the "My 91ɬÂþ" member portal on the main 91ɬÂþ website (www.aera.net). Please note: You do not need to log into the site with your 91ɬÂþ membership information before making a purchase on the eBooks website. Because the eBooks website is a separate site, an account will be created for you during checkout with credentials that differ from your 91ɬÂþ membership username/password. The single-user online eBook format allows immediate access to your content anywhere, anytime, and on all of your favorite devices, with no software to download. The browser-based eReader allows immediate access to your eBook on Internet-enabled devices including tablets, smartphones, desktop computers, and laptops. You can also access your eBook offline. The online eBook format includes a linked table of contents and bookmarking; in-text and marginal note-taking features; a highlighter for text, graphs, and images; a keyword search tool; a note and bookmark organizer; a pen tool; a built-in dictionary; flashcard and personalized study guide creation; and collaboration and note sharing options. For more information, please see the .
Additional Information:
91ɬÂþ’s Online Paper Repository is an open access clearinghouse, with abstracts, of scientific presentations given at 91ɬÂþ annual meetings since 2010. More than half include full-text papers voluntarily contributed to the repository by annual meeting presenters. 91ɬÂþ encourages all presenters to make their full-text papers available in the repository as a way to distribute their research more broadly. 91ɬÂþ does not publish conference proceedings.