International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education


International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education
91ɬÂþ Books
The environment and contested notions of sustainability are increasingly topics of public interest, political debate, and legislation across the world. Environmental education journals now publish research from a wide variety of methodological traditions that show linkages between the environment, health, development, and education. The growth in scholarship makes this an opportune time to review and synthesize the knowledge base of the environmental education (EE) field. The purpose of this 51-chapter handbook is not only to illuminate the most important concepts, findings, and theories that have been developed by EE research, but also to critically examine the historical progression of the field, its current debates and controversies, what is still missing from the EE research agenda, and where that agenda might be headed.

Editors: Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, Arjen E.J. Wals

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ISBN: 978-0-4158-9238-4 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-0-4158-9239-1 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-0-2038-1333-1 (E-Book)

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