Handbook of Research on Teaching (Fourth Edition) This 1,296-page handbook reflects current and sometimes competing schools of thought and presents exciting possibilities for educational research and writing. A resource for students and scholars in education and beyond, the updated Handbook presents the robust field of research on teaching characterized by evolving research methodologies and strong, diverse conceptual frameworks. This research will inform practice-policy, school administration, teaching, instruction, and parenting. 2001. Hardcover Editor: Virginia Richardson Member Price: $25.00 plus shipping Non-Member Individual Price: $100 plus shipping Institution Price: $120 plus shipping Shipping & Handling: First copy: $9.00 paperback; $12.00 hardcopy Each additional copy (up to 9): $4.00 Ten or more copies, call 91ɬÂþ office at (202) 238-3200 for shipping charges.
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