
ACP Multimedia Education

Well-being Champion Training: Data

This module explains gathering and analyzing well-being data, followed by discussion and example interventions you can consider.

(Must be logged in to ACP Online to access.)

  • Well-being Champion Supplemental Training: Session 2
    A complement to the Data asynchronous training, Dr. Richard H. Miranda leads Champions to map the process of data gathering, analysis, and implementation and to brainstorm ways to bridge data to action.

Watch Video

Building a Well-being Champion Strategy

Leads you through crafting your Well-being Champion strategy, including goal setting and planning for your term. Helps you create a set of documents that represents the real-life progression of your vision statement that was drafted earlier in your training. This progression will be based on an environmental scan and a series of concrete and actionable goals set during training.

How to Apply Compassion (Mini But Mighty Skill, <15 minutes)

Learn the benefits of applied compassion practice to clinicians and systems, how to adapt and teach it, and real-world ways to apply compassion clinically.

Watch Video

Complement Resources

Adaptable Presentations for Well-being Champions

  • Use these adaptable slides and handouts to present at chapter meetings, well-being committee meetings, or other areas of your institution.

Feelings and Needs slide deck


Feelings and Needs exercise


Back to the November 17, 2023 issue of ACP IM Thriving