
ACP Ambassadors on the Road: Chile

Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, MACP
ACP Chile Chapter Meeting
May 11-12, 2017

The annual meeting of the ACP Chile chapter was held in Santiago over two days on May 11-12, 2017. Attendance was approximately three hundred enthusiastic general internists and sub-specialists. The sessions had a particular emphasis on hematology. The quality of presentations and program was excellent. The course director Dr. Christian von Muhlenbrock did excellent work in coordinating the program of resident poster session, awards, lectures and luncheons. Dr. Luis Miguel Noriega, Chile Chapter Governor, was presented with a Chapter Excellence Award for the chapters work with the medical community and patient outreach and engaging students, residents/fellows and practicing and academic internists in ACP activities. There were 40 posters by residents and fellows and a large number of early career physicians in attendance. The talks ranged from early diagnosis of HIV, thrombosis prophylaxis, bone marrow transplant, chronic liver disease and hot topics in Cardiology. I gave an ACP international update, global climate change and health and cancer screening guidelines presentations. The reputation of Dr. Noriega and Dr. Conte, former Chile Chapter Governor, precedes them as incredibly gracious and generous hosts.

For photos from this meeting, visit the Ambassadors in Action section of ACP Online.

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