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Anti-racist education ensures that every student receives an education that is truthful and free from bias in a supportive setting.
The following compendium of open-access articles are inclusive of all substantive 91ɬÂþ journal content regarding anti-racism published since 2001. This page will be updated as new articles are published.
Note: Articles are listed below in reverse chronological order of publication.
Denisa Gándara, Hadis Anahideh, Matthew P. Ison, Lorenzo Picchiarini 91ɬÂþ Open, July 2024 Researchers found that models incorporating commonly used features to predict college-student success are less accurate when predicting success for racially minoritized students.
Ashli-Ann Douglas, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Rebecca Adler, Adriana P. Méndez-Fernández, Claudell Haymond, Jr., Jamila Brandon, Kelley Durkin American Educational Research Journal, July 2024 Researchers discuss practical implications for supporting the math development of marginalized high schoolers, including centering the needs and strengths of Black girls, and propose an expanded inclusive and equitable pedagogical framework.
Whitney M. Polk, Nancy E. Hill, Diane L. Hughes 91ɬÂþ Open, June 2024 Researchers found that there are several advances in theory and measurement, including assessing gendered and racial biases in teachers’ attributions about students’ abilities, frameworks for mitigating colonial and racialized trauma, and domains of antiracist activism to bring racial justice and equity to schools.
Deborah Rivas-Drake, Jozet Channey, Gina McGovern, Bernardette J. Pinetta 91ɬÂþ Open, May 2024 Researchers found that (1) evidence of strong internal consistency for the 41-item Racial Equity-oriented Social Emotional Learning (REQSEL) measure; (2) REQSEL scores correlated with multiple relevant measures of teachers’ beliefs and behaviors regarding race, ethnicity, culture, and social justice; and (3) REQSEL scores correlated with teachers’ own ethnic-racial identity beliefs.
Emma Curchin, Sara Dahill-Brown, Lesley Lavery Educational Researcher, March 2024 Researchers found that local leaders were more likely to have taken concrete steps if they were serving urban or suburban and predominantly Democratic communities. Most commonly, unions offered symbolic gestures of support or sought to develop their capacity to recognize and understand bias.
John B. Diamond Educational Researcher, March 2024 Building on W. E. B. Du Bois’s color line concept, John Diamond argues that white supremacy is deeply embedded in U.S. educational organizations and that White racial actors, opportunity hoarding, and the cultivation of racial ideology and racial ignorance help sustain it.
Jacqueline Cerda-Smith, Paula K.S. Yust, Molly S. Weeks, Steven R. Asher, Kelly Lynn Mulvey 91ɬÂþ Open, February 2024 Researchers report a multimethod quantitative approach to evaluate a 10-week antiracist intervention designed and implemented by school staff by examining patterns of student intervention engagement and measures of key constructs that connect to antiracism, psychological well-being, and school connectedness.
Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, Sarah L. Woulfin, Natasha Stassfeld, Isabel Meltzer 91ɬÂþ Open, February 2024 Researchers found that there was limited equity absorption across the two ecosystems and how racism and ableism are implicated in the convergences and divergences between the two systems.
Bianca J. Baldridge, Daniela K. DiGiacomo, Ben Kirshner, Sam Mejias, Deepa S. Vasudevan Educational Researcher, February 2024 Researchers found that programs with expansive ideas of youth voice, healing justice, and whole-child approaches to youth development create better opportunities for connection and belonging.
Rican Vue, Katrya Txay Ly, Tori Porter, Ariana Aparicio Aguilar Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, January 2024 Researchers examined the role of racialized emotions in public policy discourse that surrounds CRT bans in education that have been proposed, and in many cases, passed across the United States.
Racially Just Policy Change: Examining the Consequences of Black Education Imaginaries for K–12 Policy Eupha Jeanne Daramola Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, January 2024 Researchers examined two out-of-system education programs created by Black community organizers during the 2020–2021 school year.
Lori Patton Davis Educational Researcher, November 2023 Patton Davis offers a scholarly analysis and contributes a robust understanding of Brown and its historical and contemporary meanings in the sociopolitical contexts of racism and white supremacy.
William F. Tate Educational Researcher, November 2023 This lecture examines Brown through the lens of a medical model while exploring its various pervasive effects on society and education.
David M. Quinn Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, October 2023 Researchers found that across survey experiments with two independent representative polls of California voters, framing effects were moderated by voters’ prior policy preferences.
Terrance L. Green, Andrene Castro, Emily Germain, Jeremy Horne, Chloe Sikes, Joanna Sanchez American Educational Research Journal, September 2023 Researchers found that school leaders understand gentrification's impacts on schools materially, epistemically, and affectively, and at the same time, these shifts complicate the work of school leaders.
Prudence L. Carter Educational Researcher, September 2023 In this lecture, education scholar and sociologist Prudence Carter reverses that logic and discusses why educational practices of “radical inclusion” are “a shade less offensive” today than mere desegregation in light of persistent educational disparities by race, ethnicity, and class.
Neha Sobti, Richard O. Welsh Educational Researcher, August 2023 Researchers outline and discuss six interrelated theoretical constructs of the Antiblackness in School Discipline framework: (a) “Trading Away the Black,” (b) “Whites as Propertied,” (c) Intersecting Blackness, (d) Racial Neoliberalism, (e) La Petite Misère, and (f) Internalized Racism.
Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Adrienne D. Dixson Educational Evaluations and Policy Analysis, July 2023 Researchers found that these institutions have served as linchpins for the transferal of the blues. Data analysis also indicates that traditional public school closures have functioned as a plantation management device.
Aireale J. Rodgers, Román Liera Educational Researcher, May 2023 Researchers explored how underlying racialized cultures in academia incentivize People of Color to commodify their racial identity when participating in the faculty job market.
Terry Allen, Pedro Noguera Educational Researcher, March 2023 Researchers found two self-reinforcing pathways: (1) soft coercion, when care and courtesy meet preemptive criminalization to produce punitive policing, and (2) shielding, when referrals to school police officers by school personnel shift blame onto students and invite the use of punitive policing without care. These findings underscore the racialized and contextually specific nature of school policing’s social and spatial processes for Black students in low-income communities.
Rosemary J. Perez, Rudisang Motshubi, Sarah L. Rodriguez 91ɬÂþ Open, April 2023 Researchers found that because participants did not attend to how racism and White supremacy fostered negative climate, their strategies (e.g., increased recruitment, committees, workshops) left systemic racism intact and (un)intentionally amplified labor for racially minoritized graduate students and faculty champions who often led change efforts with little support.
Saugher Nojan 91ɬÂþ Open, January 2023 This article argues that racial and religious respect derived from interpersonal, discursive, and material sources influence Muslim students’ perceptions of institutional commitment to diversity.
Adriana Villvicencio, Sarah Klevan, Dana Conlin, Kathryn Hill 91ɬÂþ Open, July 2022 Researchers found that educators participating in a yearlong racial justice program demonstrated a deeper understanding of their own racial biases, developed a shared language to identify and name different forms of racism, and reported greater confidence to disrupt racist incidents in their schools.
Christopher L. Busey, Kristen E. Duncan, Tianna Dowie-Chin Review of Educational Research, July 2022 Researchers found that contrary to the proliferation of CRT in educational research, CRT was slow to catch on as a theoretical and analytic framework in social studies education, as only seven of the articles in our analysis were published between 2004 and 2010.
Jarvis R. Givens, Ashley Ison Review of Educational Research, July 2022 To explore connections between race, school, and nation building, this review presents a relational analysis of scholarship on Native, White, and Black American education through the 19th century.
Michael Hines, Thomas Fallace Review of Educational Research, July 2022 While many historians have focused on the overt/covert racism inherent in much of progressive pedagogy as espoused by White educators, others have highlighted the ways in pedagogical progressivism supported movements toward liberation and social justice, especially when taken up by Black educators.
Danielle L. Pico, Christine Woods Review of Educational Research, June 2022 Researchers identified 17 relevant studies, 11 of which we determined met What Works Clearinghouse™ (WWC) quality standards with or without reservations. Of these, 10 also demonstrated statistically significant effects on at least one language-related outcome.
Christina Cipriano, Lauren H. Naples, Abigail Eveleigh, Amanda Cook, Melissa Funaro, Colleen Cassidy, Michael F. McCarthy, Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann Review of Educational Research, June 2022 Eleven studies explicitly excluded students with disabilities. Studies varied widely in how disability and racial identity were categorized within and across studies and provided limited evidence of effectiveness through the use of subgroup analyses to support meaningful assessment of how students with disabilities and racially minoritized elementary school age students are benefiting from USB SEL interventions.
Daniel A. Novak, Ronan Hallowell, Kairos Llobrera, Jacob Schreiber, Erika Wright, Donna Elliott 91ɬÂþ Open, June 2022 Researchers found that students enter medical school in a range of states of critical consciousness that are visible in their “stances” toward addressing racial inequality in the healthcare system.
Luis A. Leyva, R. Taylor McNeill, B R. Balmer, Brittany L. Marshall, V. Elizabeth King, Zander D. Alley American Educational Research Journal, May 2022 Drawing on Black queer studies and a proposed framework of STEM education as a White, cisheteropatriarchal space, this study addresses this research gap by exploring four Black queer students’ experiences of oppression and agency in navigating invisibility as STEM majors.
Laura C. Chávez-Moreno Educational Researcher, May 2022 The author presents a continuum of racial literacies to differentiate between hegemonic and counterhegemonic racial literacies.
Elena Aydarova, Sarah Newcomer, Carla McNelly, Mariela Nuñez-Janes, Sofia A. Villenas Educational Researcher, May 2022 Warren and Venzant Chambers (2020) raised an important concern about the marginalization and elimination of social foundations of education in educator preparation. Yet, their focus on “an essential tripartite coalition of disciplinary perspectives” encapsulated in sociology, history, and philosophy runs counter the interdisciplinary nature of social foundations.
Chezare A. Warren, Terah Venzant Chambers Educational Researcher, May 2022 This essay responds to the technical comment by clarifying what the researchers found to be a fundamental misinterpretation of our argument and, ultimately, its scholarly purpose.
Kari Dalane, Dave E. Marcotte Educational Researcher, May 2022 Researchers found that within-school segregation rose by about 10% between 2007 and 2014 in elementary and middle schools we study.
Miles Davison, Andrew M. Penner, Emily K. Penner, Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej, Sonya R. Porter, Evan K. Rose, Yotam Shem-Tov, Paul Yoo Educational Researcher, April 2022 Researchers found that the link between school discipline and young adult outcomes tends to be stronger for Black students than for White students, and that approximately 30% of the Black–White disparities in young adult criminal justice outcomes, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) receipt, and college completion can be traced back to inequalities in exposure to school discipline.
Liliana M. Garces, Evelyn Ambriz, Jackie Pedota Educational Researcher, April 2022 In this commentary, the authors bring attention to this renewed wave of legal attacks on racial diversity and inclusion policies on college campuses and its implications for race-focused policy, practice, and research.
Walter A. Herring, Daphna Bassok, Anita S. McGinty, Luke C. Miller, James H. Wyckoff Educational Researcher, April 2022 Researchers found significant racial and socioeconomic differences in the likelihood that a child will be proficient on their third-grade reading assessment.
Ryan Ziols, Natalie Renee Davis, Teri Holbrook, Sarah Bridges Review of Research in Education, April 2022 In this review, the authors consider some key shifts and themes in creativity studies that we feel have resonance today.
Lauren C. Mims, Lisa DaVia Rubenstein, Jenna Thomas Review of Research in Education, April 2022 Through their systematic review of 155 publications, the authors developed the BlackCreate Framework to illustrate how effective Black creative educational experiences (BCEEs) create fugitive spaces for creative expression and education.
Rohit Mehta, Danah Anne Henriksen Review of Research in Education, April 2022 The researchers found themes that are not new but are yet to be taken up consistently and credibly in western creativity and education research and practice.
Lori D. Patton, Toby S. Jenkins, Gloria L. Howell, Anthony R. Keith, Jr. Review of Research in Education, April 2022 Using African-centered frameworks, the authors provide a methodological guide for examining BCEEs in education research, which includes centering Black “ways of knowing,” validating creative expressions cultivated by and for Black people, acknowledging the influence of Black creative expression on research and practice, considering researcher positionalities as observers and cultivators of Black creative expression, and viewing Black creative expression as knowledge production.
Mariana Souto-Manning, Abby C. Emerson, Gina Marcel, Ayesha Rabadi-Raol, Adrielle Turner Review of Research in Education, April 2022 This review undertakes a transformative justice in education approach, attending to the historical roots of the contemporary racialized politics of belonging.
Dominique J. Baker, Michael N. Bastedo Educational Researcher, March 2022 In the overwhelming majority of lottery simulations, the proportions of low-income students and students of color drop precipitously. With a GPA minimum, the proportion of men could drop as low as one third.
Beth E. Schueler, Martin R. West Educational Researcher, March 2022 Researchers found controversy surrounding state intervention into low-performing schools is not driven by a generalized allegiance to local control over education.
Steven Drake, Joshua Cowen Educational Researcher, January/February 2022 Districts receiving large numbers of incoming Black students hired few Black teachers over the period, leading to marked declines in Black student exposure to Black educators, and Black employment gains since 2016 have generally been in areas where Black teachers were already employed.
Andrew M. Camp, Gema Zamarro Educational Researcher, January/February 2022 School districts’ offerings, political partisanship, perceived risk from the pandemic, and local COVID-19 outbreaks are all meaningfully associated with and plausibly explain the in-person learning racial gap.
Samuel J. Tanner, Andrea McCloskey Review of Educational Research, February 2022 Researchers found that Whiteness has been central to the use of improvisation in educational contexts.
Amy Vetter, Beverly S. Faircloth, Kimberly K. Hewitt, Laura M. Gonzalez, Ye He, Marcia L. Rock Review of Educational Research, January 2022 Researchers identified 17 exemplar projects that explicitly and effectively forefront equity and justice in RPPs, what we call equity-focused.
Suneal Kolluri, Kimberly Young Educational Researcher, December 2021 While police in marginalized communities are widely viewed as illegitimate, implicated in a long history of violence, and embedded in structures of oppression, researchers found that in social studies standards, they are conveyed as the opposite.
Scott Latham, Sean P. Corcoran, Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, Jennifer L. Jennings Educational Researcher, December 2021 Relative to other jurisdictions, researchers found the average quality of public pre-K providers is high.
Dina C. Maramba, Edward R. Curammeng, Xavier J. Hernandez Review of Educational Research, December 2021 Researchers found that researchers often position Filipinx Americans relative to whiteness or utilize critical educational framings to interrogate the complex ways they are racialized.
Elizabeth Bettini, Christopher J. Cormier, Maalavika Ragunathan, Kristabel Stark Review of Educational Research, December 2021 Researchers found that novices’ experiences of their socialization into K–12 educational institutions were deeply racialized, through their interactions with every aspect of K–12 educational systems.
Nolan L. Cabrera, Alex K. Karaman, Tracy Arámbula Ballysingh, Yadira G. Oregon, Eliaquin A. Gonell, Jameson D. Lopez, Regina Deil-Amen Review of Educational Research, November 2021 Findings revealed that the bulk of scholarship involved onetime interviews for its empirical foundations, and the overwhelming majority centered the racial experiences of Black and Latinx men.
Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Carol D. Lee, Roy Pea, Maxine McKinney de Royston Educational Researcher, November 2021 In this article, researchers build on recent research in education, neuroscience, psychology, and anthropology to articulate a theory of learning that has the potential to move us toward that goal.
Robert Petrone, Christine Rogers Stanton Educational Researcher, November 2021 Researchers argue for a shift from research that focuses on “trauma-informed education” to scholarship that enacts a sociohistorical trauma-reducing framework to more effectively interrogate the intersections of trauma, schooling, and research.
J. Marc Goodrich, Lauren Thayer, Sergio Leiva Educational Researcher, October 2021 Using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, this study reported that there were substantial achievement gaps that were narrowing over time at the state level but that there were no achievement gaps between monolingual and multilingual students in large school districts.
Riyad A. Shahjahan, Annabelle L. Estera, Kristen L. Surla, Kirsten T. Edwards Review of Educational Research, September 2021 Researchers observed three major meanings of decolonization and four ways to actualize DCP that were associated with geographical, disciplinary, institutional, and/or stakeholder contexts.
Toya Jones Frank, Marvin G. Powell, Jenice L. View, Christina Lee, Jay A. Bradley, Asia Williams Educational Researcher, August/September 2021 Researchers found that anti-Black, racist microaggressions should be addressed as organizational conditions to be mitigated.
Christa J. Porter, Janice A. Byrd Review of Educational Research, June 2021 The purpose of this study was to illuminate how and to what extent Black women’s developmental processes have influenced their success within their respective U.S. college environments.
John B. Diamond, Linn Posey-Maddox, MarÃa D. Velázquez Educational Researcher, May 2021 Researchers argue that the changing nature of suburban schools and communities, and the history of their creation as education spaces, make them advantageous locations for education researchers to study many pressing issues and expand the ways we understand the intersections of race, place and inequality.
Megan Kuhfeld, Dennis J. Condron, Douglas B. Downey Educational Researcher, May 2021 Researchers found that Black-White achievement gaps widen during school periods and shrink during summers, whereas Asian students generally pull ahead of White students at a faster rate during summers.
Germán A. Cadenas, H. Kenny Nienhusser Educational Researcher, April 2021 Researchers found that on all measures, except ethnic identity, students with abject immigration status experienced worse well-being than other students, and these differences were statistically significant.
Christopher L. Busey, Carolyn Silva Educational Researcher, April 2021 In this conceptual essay, the authors apprehend the currents of hemispheric racial formation within a South–North orientation to problematize the essentialist ethos of US Latinxs as monolithically Brown.
Ekaterina Strekalova-Hughes, Kindel T. Nash, Bevin Schmer, Karnissa Caldwell Review of Research in Education, April 2021 This review reveals a disconnect between the relevant literature on culture in learning and omissions of researchers and research participants’ cultural positionalities and identities.
Rebecca A. Cruz, Allison R. Firestone, Janelle E. Rodl Review of Educational Research, March 2021 The purpose of this literature synthesis was to examine the effectiveness of empirically studied school-based interventions in reducing disproportionality in discipline practices.
Nicole M. Joseph, Chayla Haynes, Lori D. Patton Educational Researcher, March 2021 This feature article attends to this question by opening a national conversation with education researchers who take up intersectionality in their study of Black women in higher education, specifically, the application of Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality dimensions—structural, political, and representational.
Margaret R. Beneke Educational Researcher, March 2021 Bridging disability critical race theory (DisCrit) and sociocultural perspectives, this essay proposes the need for intersectional, multiplane qualitative data generation in studying young children’s disability and race conceptualizations to account for the ways intersecting, oppressive ideologies are perpetuated in young children’s worlds.
Subini Ancy Annamma, Tamara Handy Educational Researcher, January/February 2021 By recognizing connectedness and maintaining tensions framed within DisCrit, this article enumerates expansive conceptualizations of justice through centering multiply-marginalized communities of color.
Dwayne Ray Cormier Educational Researcher, January/February 2021 This study demonstrated that educational design research together with professional development schools are an ideal context to develop tools in a real-world setting aimed to address issues around racial and social justice and cultural competence within teacher education programs and PreK–12 schools and classrooms.
James P. Huguley, Lori Delale-O’Connor, Ming-Te Wang, Alyssa K. Parr Educational Researcher, January/February 2021 Findings demonstrate how African American parents engage in racially infused and contextually tailored navigational involvement approaches as they seek to offset the effects of inhibiting educational contexts.
Ebony Omotola McGee Educational Researcher, December 2020 The authors argues that, even at the top of the education hierarchy, Black STEM doctorate students and PhD degree holders consistently endure the racist residue of higher education institutions and STEM employers.
Leonie Rowan, Terri Bourke, Lyra L’Estrange, Jo Lunn Brownlee, Mary Ryan, Susan Walker, Peter Churchward Review of Educational Research, December 2020 This article provides a systematic review of literature relating to both “teacher education” and “diverse learners,” to identify knowledge claims regarding the way this “problem” and possible “solutions” should be framed.
Bianca J. Baldridge Educational Researcher, November 2020 Building on existing scholarship on community-based youth work and my current research, the author presents the youthwork paradox, a framework that captures the complexity of the field and its relationship to structural forces and larger systems of oppression.
Mike Hoa Nguyen, Connie Y. Chang, Victoria Kim, Rose Ann E. Gutierrez, Annie Le, Denis Dumas, Robert T. Teranishi Educational Researcher, November 2020 This study empirically tests the claims made by CAAA and AACE with particular attention to the differences in Asian American student outcomes, relative to their college admissions and choice decisions.
Mark J. Chin, David M. Quinn, Tasminda K. Dhaliwal, Virginia S. Lovison Educational Researcher, November 2020 Researchers found that teachers’ implicit White/Black biases (as measured by the implicit association test) vary by teacher gender and race.
Francis L. Huang Educational Researcher, October 2020 Researchers reanalyzed the public-use ECLS-K and provide syntax for our analyses to show that the findings were primarily due to sample selection bias.
David M. Quinn Educational Researcher, October 2020 Results indicate that a TV news story about racial achievement gaps (vs. a control or counterstereotypical video) led viewers to express more exaggerated stereotypes of Black Americans as lacking education and may have increased viewers’ implicit stereotyping of Black students as less competent than White students.
Carla O’Connor Educational Researcher, October 2020 Given contemporary recognition of how racialized micro-interactions and the embedded distortions of marginalized and minoritized folk compound over time to produce and reify educational stratification and inequality, this article is an opportunity to think more deliberately about how education researchers can better delineate empirically and conceptually the complexity and temporal spread of these micro-moments, their reproductive momentum, and the prospects for disruption.
Karisma Morton, Catherine Riegle-Crumb Educational Researcher, August/September 2020 Results of regression analyses reveal that, net of school, teacher, and student characteristics, the time that teachers report spending on algebra and more advanced content in eighth grade algebra classes is significantly lower in schools that are predominantly Black compared to those that are not predominantly minority.
Angela Calabrese Barton, Edna Tan Educational Researcher, August/September 2020 This essay presents a rightful presence framework to guide the study of teaching and learning in justice-oriented ways.
Varaxy Yi, Jacqueline Mac, Vanessa S. Na, Rikka J. Venturanza, Samuel D. Museus, Tracy Lachica Buenavista, Sumun L. Pendakur Review of Educational Research, June 2020 To understand this conflict in existing literature, the current authors utilize an anti-imperialistic approach to analyze scholarship on the model minority myth.
Adam Alvarez Review of Educational Research, June 2020 This article uses a racialization framework to examine how trauma is discussed in the literature with respect to youth in preK–12 educational contexts. J. Jacob Kirksey, Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, Michael A. Gottfried, Jennifer Freeman, Christopher S. Ozuna 91ɬÂþ Open, 2020 This study examined the associations between deportations near school districts and racial/ethnic gaps in educational outcomes in school districts across the country. Li Lucy, Dorottya Demszky, Patricia Bromley, Dan Jurafsky 91ɬÂþ Open, 2020 Researchers found that Latinx people are rarely discussed, and the most common famous figures are nearly all White men.
Lauren P. Bailes, Sarah Guthery 91ɬÂþ Open, 2020 Researchers found that race and gender are associated with the probability of promotion to school leadership. Meredith P. Richards, Kori James Stroub, Camila Cigarroa Kennedy 91ɬÂþ Open, 2020 Researchers found that despite relatively high and stable levels of segregation nationally, stability is the rule, rather than the exception, for the majority of public school districts.
Maxine McKinney de Royston, Tia C. Madkins, Jarvis R. Givens, Na’ilah Suad Nasir American Educational Research Journal, 2020 Through further elaborating the politicized caring framework, the analyses show how Black educators disrupt the racialized harm produced within schools to instead (re)position Black students as children worthy of protection via caring relationships, alternative discipline policies, and other interpersonal and institutional mechanisms.
F. Chris Curran Educational Researcher, 2020 This brief shows how interpretations of the Black-White discipline gap can be drastically different when using different metrics.
H. Richard Milner, IV Educational Researcher, 2020 Milner argues that we should change our language of disciplinary practices to punishment practices to more accurately capture current practices.
Jordan G. Starck, Travis Riddle, Stacey Sinclair, Natasha Warikoo Educational Researcher, 2020 The findings suggest that if schools are to effectively promote racial equity, teachers should be provided with training to either shift or mitigate the effects of their own racial biases. Federico R. Waitoller, Christopher Lubienski 91ɬÂþ Open, 2019 In this article, the authors describe a theoretical framework to address two limitations of research on school choice sets: limited attention to students with disabilities and dichotomization of space and place. Victoria E. Sosina, Ericka S. Weathers 91ɬÂþ Open, 2019 Researchers found that changes in racial/ethnic segregation within a state from 1999 through 2013 are associated with racial/ethnic disparities in spending, even after accounting for disparities in poverty. Kendra Taylor, Erica Frankenberg, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley 91ɬÂþ Open, 2019 Researchers show that school district secession is restructuring school segregation in the counties where secession is occurring, with segregation increasingly occurring because students attend different school districts. Anne Gregory, Erik A. Ruzek, Jamie DeCoster, Amori Yee Mikami, Joseph P. Allen 91ɬÂþ Open, 2019 Results suggested that the coaching program had no generalized effects on reducing referrals with African American students or racial referral gaps in classrooms with coached teachers, relative to the control teachers and the other teachers in the schools.
Laura Bellows 91ɬÂþ Open, 2019 Researchers found that the activation of Secure Communities was associated with decreases in average achievement for Hispanic students in English Language Arts as well as Black students in English Language Arts and math.
Kofi Lomotey Educational Researcher, 2019 Researchers highlight the methodological and theoretical traits of these studies, single out overstressed approaches, and highlight the most significant gaps in research on Black women principals. Ebony McGee 91ɬÂþ Open, 2018 This article describes the role of race-based stereotypes in shaping the experiences of high-achieving Black and Asian STEM college students. Ela Joshi, Sy Doan, Matthew G. Springer 91ɬÂþ Open, 2018 Researchers observe meaningful effects for Black students in both reading and math, race-matched students in the bottom-most preparedness quartile in math, and race-matched students assigned to teachers in the middle two teacher performance quartiles in math.
Simone Ispa-Landa Educational Researcher, 2018 Teachers’ implicit racial bias likely contributes to racial disparities in school discipline.
Teresa L. McCarty Educational Researcher, 2018 This lecture considers the Brown legacy and broader issues of education equality in the context of research, policy, and practice in Indigenous education. Donald Mitchell, Jr., Tiffany Steele, Jakia Marie, Kathryn Timm 91ɬÂþ Open, 2017 This qualitative study explored how international students learned about U.S. concepts of race and racism and how such concepts shaped their college experiences.
Bettina L. Love Educational Researcher, 2017 This article explores the utilization of the theory of a Black ratchet imagination as a methodological perspective to examine the multiple intersections of Black and queer identity constructions within the space of hip hop. Jason A. Grissom and Christopher Redding 91ɬÂþ Open, 2016 Even after conditioning on test scores and other factors, Black students indeed are referred to gifted programs, particularly in reading, at significantly lower rates when taught by non-Black teachers, a concerning result given the relatively low incidence of assignment to own-race teachers among Black students.
Sabrina Zirkel, Tabora Johnson Educational Researcher, 2016 Despite a proliferation of theories suggesting a “damaged” Black psyche and suspicion about its value to Black youth, researchers found the history of research about Black racial identity reveals robust and consistent evidence that Black racial identity is linked to a broad range of positive outcomes from measures of well-being—including greater resilience, coping with discrimination, higher academic performance, greater commitment to education, and improved educational outcomes on a number of measures.
Joyce E. King Educational Researcher, 2016 Research on education and society is the focus in discussing four essays of 91ɬÂþ past presidents, Newton Edwards, Maxine Greene, Linda Darling-Hammond, and William F. Tate, IV.
Timothy J. Lensmire, Nathan Snaza Educational Researcher, 2016 Researchers argue that at the core of White racial selves is a profound ambivalence that must be accounted for if future research is to better illuminate what the racial identities of White future teachers mean for their development as educators.
Carola Suárez-Orozco, Saskias Casanova, Margary Martin, Dalal Katsiaficas, Veronica Cuellar, Naila Antonia Smith, Sandra Isabel Dias Educational Researcher, 2015 The findings provide evidence that classroom MAs occur frequently—in nearly 30% of the observed community college classrooms.
Carla R. Monroe Educational Researcher, 2013 This article augments considerations of social forces by exploring how color classifications within racial arrangements frame pathways for communities of color and, therefore, must inform educational inquiries.
Kofi Lomotey Educational Researcher, 2012 Black Educational Choice (BEC) is a 19-chapter edited volume focused on analyzing the value of schools of choice for African American families.
Luis C. Moll Educational Researcher, 2010 In commemorating the landmark Brown v. Board of Education (1954) decision, this lecture also honors the Mendez v. Westminster case of 1946, a successful challenge to the segregated schooling of Mexican and Mexican American students in California.
Jerome E. Morris, Carla R. Monroe Educational Researcher, 2009 The authors refine the scholarship on the Black–White achievement gap through an analysis of racialized national spaces and population shifts, to set forth a more comprehensive understanding of school achievement than previously existed.
Margaret Beale Spencer Educational Researcher, 2008 The author of this article argues that the Clarks and their social science colleagues missed an opportunity to view Black youth as diverse human beings engaged in normal developmental tasks under difficult conditions.
Nina Asher Educational Researcher, 2007 The author discusses the challenges of educating teachers to engage, rather than deny or repress, differences that emerge at the dynamic, context-specific intersections of race, culture, gender, and sexuality.
Linda Darling-Hammond Educational Researcher, 2007 This article outlines current disparities in educational access; illustrates the relationships between race, educational resources, and student achievement; and proposes reforms needed to equalize opportunities to learn.
Carla O’Connor, Sonia DeLuca Fernandez Educational Researcher, 2006 This article analyzes how a recent National Research Council report (2002) defined the impact of poverty in explaining the overrepresentation of minority students in special education.
Walter R. Allen Educational Researcher, 2005 Higher education must be a model for society in promoting equity, excellence, and diversity.
Jessica T. DeCuir, Adrienne D. Dixson Educational Researcher, 2004 In this article, the researchers illustrate how CRT can be used to examine the experiences of African-American students.
Derrick P. Alridge Educational Researcher, 2003 This article examines the dilemmas and challenges of objectivity, presentism, and voice and agency the author has encountered as an African-American historian of education whose research focuses on the education of Black people.
Dan W. Butin Educational Researcher, 2002 Specifically, this article suggests that a “posts” classroom must work under the construct of a “weak overcoming” that focuses on the structure of schooling and the organization of classroom practice.
Gerardo R. López Educational Researcher, 2001 CRT abandons the neutral concept of “a color blind society” in favor of a critical perspective that recognizes the normality—and thus invisibility—of racism in our daily lives.