For Immediate Release: July 8, 2020
Contacts: Tony Pals, (202) 238-3235
Tong Wu, (202) 238-3233
How Can Education Researchers Support Education and Public HealthInstitutions During Covid-19?
Washington, July8,2020—As education researchers’ ongoing work is interrupted by school closures, what can they do to support education and public health institutions dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic? An article published today inEducational Researcheraims to answer that question, providing recommendations based on conversations withpublic health officials, state and local policymakers, educational leaders, directors of national education organizations, and researchers across disciplines.Educational Researcheris a peer-reviewed journal of the 91ɬ.
“The education research community has unique potential to provide immediate aid to public health researchers as well as state education agencies, districts, and schools faced with the urgent challenge of providing remote instruction and services,” said article coauthor David DeMatthews, an associate professor of educational leadership and policy at the University of Texas at Austin. “This aid may require researchers to take the lead, work shoulder-to-shoulder with education organizations, or play a support role. They must also prepare for a future when schools reopen perhaps under significantly different conditions, and possibly for a short period before returning to remote learning.”
DeMatthews’s coauthors include David Knight (University of Washington), Pedro Reyes (University of Texas at Austin), Amber Benedict (Arizona State University), and Rebecca Callahan (University of Texas at Austin). The authors’ recommendations are grouped into the following categories.
For details on the recommendations, see the open accessEducational Researcherarticleand theoverviewof the authors’ recommendations.
The recommendations, which not intended to be exhaustive, were developed to encourage education researchers to consider how they can inform the knowledge base and support front-line educators and healthcare researchers during this crisis.
“While we grieve the loss of loved ones and colleagues and the freedoms we enjoyed prior to the pandemic, we need to remain steadfast and committed to our work, to research that can and will make a difference in our schools and communities,” said DeMatthews. “Together, education researchers can work collaboratively with public health and educational organizations to make a profound impact, generating innovative ideas that make the world a better place for all, but especially for educators and students.”
About 91ɬ The(91ɬ) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, 91ɬ advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find 91ɬ on,, and.
From the Field: Education Research During a Pandemic
Read the overview of the authors’ recommendations.