
March 25, 2022

IM Thriving Masthead

Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 Well-being Activities and Creating and Sustaining Change Resources

There are many well-being and professional fulfillment activities to choose from this year at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2022. Design an experience best suited to your well-being and professional fulfillment interests and needs by .

Champions attending ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 in Chicago will have opportunities to volunteer a small amount of time to teach 10-minute Mini but Mighty Skills for Well-being at the Clinical Skills Center. If you are interested in volunteering, kindly sign-up below.

This issue also includes an opportunity to apply tools and explore resources for creating and sustaining change efforts for you, your community, and your organization.

ACP is committed to supporting you and the entire internal medicine community during challenging times and always.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please e-mail with your thoughts and suggestions for newsletter topics and features.

Check out the links below for tools and resources you can use for yourself, your organization, and teach others:

  • Opportunity for ACP Well-being Champions to Teach a 10-Minute Mini but Mighty Skill for Well-being LIVE at the Internal Medicine Meeting Clinical Skills Center.
  • Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 well-being activities in Chicago, including a special presentation of Five Days to Friday: a multimedia performance about current challenges to physician mental health.
  • for the ACP Quality Improvement Leadership Training: Best Practices in Engaging and Empowering Clinical Teams in Continuous Improvement (PRE 2208).
  • Apply noteworthy resources and tools on creating and sustaining change efforts.
  • Call to Action: Align well-being and antiracism strategies and learn how clinician well-being is integral to a system's total health and vitality (financial, intellectual, and human assets).
  • Explore ACP's new Mentoring Resource Library. Mentors play an important role in the development of their mentees and the greater internal medicine community. Access videos, checklists, tools, and resources developed to support mentees and mentors as they embark on mentoring relationships.
  • Visit the I.M. Emotional Support Hub to learn more about individual and organizational resources and information to protect clinicians' emotional health.
  • Review ACP encouraged by president's pledge to improve mental health care, continue premium subsidies for marketplace health insurance, and provide additional funding to combat COVID-19. Plus, Patients Before Paperwork initiative updates.
  • Pin the Well-being and Professional Fulfillment webpage to your MyACP today (top right of the page).

Please join us on Twitter at , , post in your ACP Champion forum, and reach out to us any time at acpwellbeing@acponline.org.


Your ACP Well-being Team

Please log your Well-being Champion activities in your new and improved Well-being Champion Activities Tracker!

Activity Tracker