
Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month: University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine

Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month: University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine

The Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine (UH JABSOM) was founded in 2006. Since its inception, it has been one of the most active and largest student interest groups at the school. Even before our IMIG was founded in 2006, UH JABSOM had won ACP Medical School Awards for student membership ranging 58-74.5% of the student body. The founding of IMIG in spring 2006 has resulted in record high levels of ACP student membership, ranging 77-83%. Our goals are to provide medical students with information about careers in internal medicine, foster communication with faculty, connect students with shadowing and research opportunities, and improve clinical skills and knowledge applicable to internal medicine.

The JABSOM IMIG kicked off the 2010 school year in July by recruiting new first year medical students to IMIG and ACP during JABSOM's Student Activities Fair. In September, we held our popular Subspecialty and Residents Mixer where representatives from various subspecialties including cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, geriatrics, hematology/oncology, endocrinology, and rheumatology talked to students of all levels about their respective fields. We also invited residents from the University of Hawaii Internal Medicine Residency Program to speak to eager medical students about "life in residency." The event was a huge success, as many students requested that we organize this event again next year. In October (after the Electronic Residency Application Service opened!), we focused our attention on fourth year students with a workshop geared toward residency interview planning. Key topics discussed included scheduling interviews, what to wear, and common interview questions. In November, IMIG held an EKG Workshop with one of our third-year inpatient site coordinators who is a cardiologist. Every chair at this meeting was filled with first and second year students as they learned a systematic approach to EKG interpretation. After the holidays, IMIG got off to a fresh start with our Introduction to the Third Year Medicine Clerkship meeting geared towards second year students. This meeting was held at the beautiful Ko'olau Country Club during the Annual Hawaii Chapter ACP Scientific Meeting on January 8, 2011. Third and fourth year students provided information to the second year students regarding what to expect and how to succeed in the medicine clerkship. In addition, all students present were able to enjoy the podium and poster research presentations and discussions about local and national issues affecting the practice and teaching of internal medicine.

In addition to organizing events that benefit all four classes, one of our program's biggest goals this year is community service. In September-October 2010, our members volunteered at the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii Free Kidney Screenings throughout the island of Oahu. In January 2011, our program provided free blood pressure screening at the JABSOM Annual Community Health Fair. We hope to provide our members with more community service opportunities in the future.

As JABSOM IMIG celebrates another robust year full of events and active student participation, we plan to end our academic year with a workshop to help third year medical students plan their fourth year medicine electives schedule and to hold officer elections. Next year, JABSOM IMIG will continue to inspire and support its future internal medicine physicians with enthusiasm and fresh ideas.

Our IMIG events and efforts have been successful through the support from our very dedicated faculty advisor, Dr. Laurie Tam. Our current Executive Board is comprised of the following officers: Ynhu Le, MS4, President; Megan Motosue, MS4, Vice President; Felix Lui, MS3, Treasurer; Clyner Antalan, MS3, Webmaster; Luella Manlucu, MS2, Secretary; Kacy Church, MS4, Fourth Year Class Representative; Reid Hoshide, MS3, Third Year Class Representative; Nicholas Villanueva, MS2, Second Year Class Representative; Jodi Kagihara, MS1, First Year Class Representative.

Ynhu Le
President, Internal Medicine Interest Group
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii
E-mail: ynhu@hawaii.edu

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