
Spring 2016 BOG Resolutions

Fourteen (14) resolutions will be heard at the Spring 2016 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting in Washington, DC. Please review each resolution and then indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by Monday, April 11.

Your comments will be forwarded to your Governor to be used as part of his/her testimony on behalf of the chapter.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Giampietro, BOG Administrator, at mgiampietro@acponline.org. Thank you for your input.

Resolution 1-S16. Working with Other Organizations to Assess Systems for Assuring that Internists Continue to Provide Safe and Effective Patient Care
(Co-Sponsors: Oregon and Downstate Illinois, Northern Illinois, New York, and BOG Class of 2017)

Resolution 2-S16. Discouraging Formation of New For Profit Medical Schools
(Sponsor: Montana Chapter)

Resolution 3-S16. Delineating Limits to the Corporate Control of Medical Practice
(Sponsor: Pennsylvania Chapter; Co-Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter)

Resolution 4-S16. Advocating for Removal of Tobacco Products and Tobacco Control Measures from Any Trade Negotiations
(Sponsor: New York Chapter)

Resolution 5-S16. Advocating Against "Cold Call" Pharmaceutical Retailing
(Sponsor: New York Chapter)

Resolution 6-S16. Advocating for Inclusion of "Stop" Orders in Certified Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
(Sponsor: New York Chapter)

Resolution 7-S16. Calling Upon the Office of the National Coordinator of IT to Improve the Clinical Utility of EMRs so that Clinicians Can Provide Optimal Patient Care
(Sponsor: District of Columbia Chapter)

Resolution 8-S16. Seeking Willing Provider Legislation to Improve Access to Care
(Sponsor: Florida Chapter)

Resolution 9-S16. Supporting the Expansion of Medicare as a Means to Create a Single-Payer Insurance System for Those Uninsured Excluded by the Affordable Care Act
(Sponsor: Illinois Northern Chapter)

Resolution 10-S16. Supporting the Expansion of Medicaid and Health Care Marketplaces for Non-Citizen Residents of the United States
(Sponsor: Illinois Northern Chapter)

Resolution 11-S16. Increasing the Transparency and Completeness of Clinical Trial Results when Presented to the Media
(Sponsor: District of Columbia Chapter)

Resolution 12-S16. Clarifying the Meaning of High Value Care to Other Organizations
(Sponsor: District of Columbia Chapter)

Resolution 13-S16. Taking Concrete Action in Support of the Concerns Expressed in Resolution 4-S13, "Supporting the Provision of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit only by Clinicians Providing Longitudinal Care"
(Sponsor: District of Columbia Chapter)

Resolution 14-S16. Advocating for Cost Transparency
(Sponsor: Illinois Northern Chapter)