
Mississippi Governor's Newsletter December 2023

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Otis Gowdy Jr., MD, MBA, FACP, ACP Governor

Otis Gowdy Jr., MD, MBA, FACP, ACP Governor


Residents/Fellows Update


I had the opportunity to visit resident physicians at Gulfport Memorial Hospital in August. This is the first year of the residency program. I was excited to meet the residents and the program director Dr. Wayne Latak. I was able to catch up with Dr. Marium Khan who has been contributing to the Governor's Council. The residents are great and are very eager to participate in ACP. It was a treat to express to the residents that the 2025 ACP chapter meeting will be held on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We as a chapter are continuing to find ways to incorporate as many members as possible in the various chapter activities. I will continue to visit residency programs throughout the state to get ideas and concerns pertaining to residents, students and members. The main reason for the visits is to increase chapter involvement.



Congrats to New FACPs!

Congratulations to our newest fellows of the chapter. Dr. Brendon Ross, Dr. Kurt Bruckmeier, Dr. Vernon Rayford. I encourage our members who are eligible to apply for fellowship. This distinction in the College lends to further leadership roles locally and nationally. As internal medicine physicians, it is important to stay engaged in college. ACP advocates for the physician nationally regarding better work environments and better fee schedules and addressing issues important to the internal medicine physician.



Dr. Calvin Thigpen Awarded Mastership


Also, Congratulations to Dr. Calvin Thigpen on his award of mastership. Dr. Thigpen has done so much work in our chapter as well as work on several national committees. He is a physician leader and certainly an advocate for medical students, residents, and fellows. The mastership is the highest honor bestowed by the 管家婆心水论坛. This is indeed a great honor for our chapter. We have a lot of great physicians in Mississippi who are doing wonderful work in their communities.



Board of Governor's Meeting Update


So, the fall was busy. It included the fall board of governors meeting held in Orlando. It was another great meeting handling the business of the college in an efficient manner. I really appreciated the volunteer outreach opportunity at the Second Harvest Food Bank. We spent several hours packing boxes of food items that would provide meals to a family for about a week. I take for granted my meals every day. This activity slowed me down to reflect on my blessings. I recognize the importance of the physician as a leader in the hospital and in the community. Thank you to the College for this activity of service. It also was a time of camaraderie! We had an opportunity to talk, laugh and sing all while packing food. My governor classmates did roll call on what they packed. Emily had chicken and dumplings, Catherine had tomato sauce, Vidya placed oats. Susan had Chef Boy-Ar-Dee and I packed pinto beans, Jenny packed kidney beans. I was a little jealous!



MS Abstract Day 2023


Our chapter abstract day was held at UMMC this October and was a great success. This activity had participants from across the state and is always such a lively and motivating event. Congratulations to our winners: Matthew McMullan, Jenna Benge, Santana Holloway and Nathan Usry! Please visit our social media pages for pictures!
