CRAB History

CRAB was developed as a venue for chief residents to share experiences, resources and ideas. The hope was to facilitate communication and collegiality between programs in the city. The Baltimore metropolitan community has a unique opportunity in that there are 10 internal medical residency programs in a small geographical area.  CRAB has also included the residents from Walter Reed and our new new programs Kaiser Permante Mid-Atlantic and Anne Arundel Medical Center.   It was felt that a group such as CRAB would allow for a flow of information and communication among these programs. CRAB began to meet on a monthly basis with many of the dinners hosted at area restaurants. CRAB was able to implement a number of different activities over the years, including funding for Health Care for the Homeless, hosting a CRAB Olympics, and providing workshops for residents on a variety of subjects. In 2003, CRAB became part of the ACP Maryland Chapter, thus allowing for not only financial support of its activities, but also the capability of developing and planning additional activities for residents in the metropolitan area.


Past CRAB Activities

  • Development of information for CRAB activities on the Maryland ACP webpage
  • CRAB GRAND rounds – an evening workshop presented on topics of a practical nature for residents such as contract negotiations, seeking employment as a hospitalist, Medicare payment system, financial planning for residents – held throughout the year when time permits
  • Morning report sharing among programs
  • Survival guide for Spouses
  • Communication System among chief residents when seeing same patients at different hospitals


CRAB Current Activities

CRAB NewsletterIn past years, the CRAB co-chairs were able to develop and distribute approximately every 2 months a recap of current and future CRAB activities. 

CRAB Soccer Tournament - Held in November - For the past 6 years this tournament has allowed for participation by 8 to 10 teams from programs throughout the metro area.  Last year interested students were placed on teams needing additional members. 

CRAB/IMG Pot Luck dinner with presenters in early December at St. Agnes Hospital  â€“ Residents and IMG Faculty are asked to bring appetizers or desserts from their country of origin.  MD ACP supplies catering for entrée and drinks.  Presentations have included Leadership, MOC malpractice trial, and Burnout sessions.

CRAB workshop on Nuts & Bolts of Abstract Presentations held late in January at MedStar Harbor prior to the Mulholland Mohler Residents meeting. – An interactive workshop with a presentation from Faculty at NIH and judges from past MM meetings who critique actual posters from previous meetings

Doctor's Dilemma® program  as part of the Chapter Virtual & In-Person meeting, the ACP Maryland Chapter hosts Doctor's Dilemma®.  All programs in the metro area, and two Armed Forces programs participate in this afternoon contest.  The program winners are given $3,000 to attend and participate in the national Doctor's Dilemma contest.

Student Dilemma as part of the Williams Student Conference - held in February on a Saturday at MedStar Harbor. 

CRAB Physical Examination Skills for residents and students held in May (MedStar HHC or St. Agnes) including overviews of pulmonary exam; cardiovascular exam; neurological exam; bedside ultrasound and 5-minute moment.  Presented by the Society of Bedside Medicine

Mulholland Mohler Residents Meeting  All day poster & oral presentations in clinical vignette and research categories.  During the meeting, CRAB judges review clinical vignette posters designated by each program for participation in the Chief Resident CV Award.  Additionally, a Profiles in Excellence Award is given to the selected nominee from each program who provides unique services and activities to their residency program.

Participation in ACP Leadership Day  A two day ACP event in Washington, DC this event provides an opportunity for ACP members to bring visibility to issues of common concern to internal medicine physicians. 
Participants receive a comprehensive orientation and briefing on ACP's legislative priorities and have the opportunity to meet with policymakers alongside other advocates from their state.