Maine Governor's Newsletter July 2024

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Stephen R. Hayes, MD, MACP, ACP Governor

Stephen R. Hayes, MD, MACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

Welcome back summer! I hope everyone has an opportunity to enjoy all the beauty of Maine in the coming months.

It has been an eventful year for all of us. Our attempts to hold the 2023 Chapter meeting were first derailed by Hurricane Lee in September and then by the lock down in Southern Maine. Several of us participated in the Healthcare Provider Rally in Lewiston for Gun Safety last November and had an opportunity to discuss the toll gun violence takes in Maine. Reflecting the statistics nationally, most deaths in Maine from gun injuries are from suicide. Kris helped outline the steps we can take to help with this public health issue. I want to thank those who reached out to their state representatives and senators to encourage passage of common-sense gun reform in Maine. There were some real gains in this last legislature. We can keep focused on this and make Maine an even better place to live!



Maine Medical Center Resident Cases of the Year

We are pleased to announce the "2023 Resident Cases of the Year" were held on January 12, 2024. The presentations were presented from the Dana Center Lecture Auditorium.

The presentations were:

Louisa Bauer, MD; "There's Trouble a Foot; A Case of Severe Bilateral Foot Ulcers"

Shannon Donovan, DO: "A Search for the Organic Cause of Acute Psychosis as the Primary Feature of Neurosyphilis in 36-Year-Old Male"

Hannah Short, MD: "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and A Case of Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis"

The judges announced that Dr. Shannon Donovan was the winner and represented Maine at IM 2024.




2023 Annual Scientific and Chapter Meeting

We were finally able to meet in April of this year and had a presentation by Kristine Pleacher, MD from the Maine Medical Center Department of Pediatrics on reducing firearm related injuries. We were able to meet in April of this year and had a presentation by Kris Pleacher, MD from the Maine Medical Center Department of Pediatrics on reducing firearm related injuries. Her talk really helped focus on the steps we as physicians can take to help reduce the senseless violence and loss of life that result from guns.


Kristine Pleacher, MD, 2023 Maine Chapter Laureate


At the chapter meeting, we also had the opportunity to recognize Rebecca Hemphill, MD FACP as the 2023 Maine Chapter Laureate Awardee. Rebecca has served our chapter and ACP in multiple ways and has been a leader across the MaineHealth system in her role in Medical Informatics and Clinical Practice.

Congratulations, Rebecca!


Rebecca Hemphill, MD FACP 2023 Maine Laureate



5th Annual Richard Engel, MD Primary Care Symposium

In March, we again had the opportunity to honor Dr. Richard Engel, a former Maine ACP Governor who died suddenly in 2017. The Richard Engel, MD Primary Care Symposium saw a great program with diverse speakers discussing alcohol use and abuse and the treatment of alcohol related disorders.

Dr. Sarah Hipkins, Grand Rounds Presenter, provided a very interesting presentation "Management of Alcohol Withdrawal".


Sarah Hipkins, MD



Governors' Advisory Council Retreat

The GAC held a retreat in May at Dr. Rebecca Hemphill's home.

Lynne Burney, the new Maine Chapter Coordinator was introduced to the attending GAC members. Lynne was welcomed by all. Lynne started working with Warene in June. The GAC is looking forward to working with Lynne.

There was a review of the updated By-laws. A discussion took place regarding the compilation of the GAC and how to continue to keep it diversified. It was noted that a Committee Chair does not need to be a member of the GAC.

GAC members reviewed the criteria for each domain of the Annual Report. The domains are: Advocacy, Member Engagement & Communication, Education, Financial, Infrastructure, Membership, Professional Home and Additional Chapter Activities.

The criteria of each domain were reviewed; provided responses were entered into the Annual Report due in mid-July.

The current Strategic Plan was reviewed, identifying goals that were met and those that have not yet been met. The strategic plan for 2024-2025 will serve as the outline for the goals of the coming year.




Joint Chapters Meet 'n Greet at IM 2024

The Maine Chapter along with the New Hampshire and Vermont Chapters held a joint reception on Friday evening Internal Medicine 24 in Boston, MA. The Chapters were well represented by their members. There were lots of great conversations and visiting with friends and family.

Plans are being made for another joint reception to be held in New Orleans, LA.



Joint Chapter Reception at IM 2025

We are looking for a location about a 10 – 15 minute walk from the convention centre. If you have a suggestion for a venue please send an email to mainechapteracp@gmail.com.



Health and Public Policy Committee; Hani Jarawan, MD FACP

This past May, a delegation from our Maine chapter convened in Washington DC for Leadership Day, an annual event for internists, residents, and medical students from across the country to meet with Congressional leaders to advocate for policies to improve healthcare and the practice of internal medicine.

Against the backdrop of a looming presidential election, the ACP chose policy priorities with broad bipartisan support in the hopes that Congress adopts meaningful legislation to reduce administrative burdens in medicine, expand the residency training pipeline, and reform the Medicare payment system which has resulted in annual cuts to physician reimbursement.

In meetings with congressional staffers and with Senator Angus King, the Maine ACP delegation emphasized the urgency of legislative support for:

Safe Step Act – Requires group health plans to provide an exception process for any medication step therapy protocol to help ensure that patients can safely and efficiently access treatment.
Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act – Gradually raises the number of Medicare-supported GME positions by 2,000 per year for seven years.
Physician Fee Schedule Update and Improvements Act – Revises payment rates and pegs them to medical economic inflation.


Your advocacy can help! to quickly send a message to your legislators and ask them to support these critical bills.




Douglas Couper, MD MACP (Doug), has served as the Maine Chapter Program Chair for more years than he would probably like to remember! However, the Maine Chapter remembers very well the years of coordinating brilliant educational programs. We have been educated on Addiction, Cardiology, Diabetes, Oncology, Psychiatry and so much more.

He has made our educational sessions interesting, interactive and fun. The recruited presenters are always very impressed with the Chapter Meeting, some have returned as an attendee.

Doug recently retired from his practice at InterMed. He has also stepped down as the Program Chair for the Maine Chapter. He will assist Dr. Lisa Almeder , the new Program Chair, with the upcoming 2024 Maine ACP Annual Scientific and Chapter Meeting.

Please join us in Thanking Doug for his years of service to the Maine Chapter.

Doug, enjoy your grandchildren and continuing your medical volunteering.

We wish you and your family all the best!


Douglas Couper, MD MACP



Maine Chapter 2024 & 2025 Save the Dates:

  • Sept 13 – 15, 2024

2024 Maine Chapter ACP Annual Scientific & Chapter Meeting

Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Conference Center,

Bar Harbor, ME

  • March 19, 2025

6th Annual Richard Engel, MD Primary Care Symposium

Dana Auditorium MMC Portland, ME

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

  • October 17 – 19, 2025

2025 Maine ACP Annual Scientific and Chapter Meeting

Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Conference Center

Bar Harbor, ME

Information for above events will be sent to you or you may contact: mainechapteracp@gmail.com


Maine Governor's Newsletter July 2024