Colorado Governor's Newsletter October 2023

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Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Corner:

I guess that one of the aspects of a quarterly newsletter is that we always seem to be looking at a change of season. Fall has arrived (more or less) and most people seem to be looking forward to cooler weather, and changing leaves, if not the shorter days (I notice that I am driving to work in the dark again!). It is a time that we tend to look inward and be grateful for those closest to us. It is also a time that we seem to get back to a more regular schedule with respect to our family and our work. As we do this, we must be sure to keep some space for our own self-care. It's easy to lose ourselves in the busyness of life, so let's take the time we need to maintain a healthy balance and tend to our physical and emotional wellbeing.



Speaking of Wellbeing:

We don't often mention other medical societies, but for our members who also belong to the Colorado Medical Society (CMS), they have partnered with the Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP) to create Doc 2 Doc, providing up to three free one-hour pre-clinical peer wellbeing consultations. Learn more about .



Join a Committee!

We are still looking for interested members to become part of our Membership and Finance Committees. While the committees are very different in purpose and function, they both provide an opportunity to get involved and help our chapter function. The Membership Committee, led by Dr. Mugabe Walker, looks for new ways to engage and retain our members and attract new members. If you are interested, or just want more information, please reach out to me at alwin.steinmann@imail.org



Chapter Awards:

It is nearing that time of year when we solicit nominations for our chapter awards. Soon our members will receive an e-mail requesting nominations, that will provide award descriptions, and information on the nominating process . Please consider nominating a colleague for one of our five chapter awards:

  • The Robert R. Gibbons, MD, MACP Distinguished Medical Educator Award
  • The Joel S. Levine, MD, MACP Distinguished healthcare Advocate Award
  • The Colorado Early Career Physician Award
  • The Community Service and Volunteerism Award
  • The Colorado Chapter Laureate Award



Social Media:

We are looking to re-energize our chapter social media presence as part of our effort to better engage our current members and attract new members. Over the next few months we will begin to pilot a project in which one of our members will manage, post on, and monitor our social media accounts. We hope that a more regular and meaningful social media presence will provide a benefit to our members and facilitate communication amongst our internal medicine community. Please watch for further information on this. We currently have accounts on , (formerly Twitter) and will be establishing an Instagram account soon.



Upcoming Meetings and Conferences:

Ortho Day will be returning! - We plan to hold an Ortho Day featuring Dr. Ted Parks on Sat. Nov. 11 at Saint Joseph Hospital. Watch your e-mail for upcoming registration information.

Colorado Chapter Meeting – Feb 2-3 at the Broadmoor. Hold the date!



Bylaws Follow-up:

Our chapter bylaws revisions have been submitted to the national ACP Board of Regents for review. Once approved by the BOR, they will go out to our membership for a vote. At this point, it is not clear that that timeline will be, though sometime in the first or second quarter of 2024 is likely.



ACP Links:

Alternative Payment Model – in a continued shift toward more value-based payments, Medicare is rolling out a new payment model to better support primary care. For more information, check out this link on the ACP website.

Annals of Internal Medicine hosts forum on what the internist needs to know about contraception. Check out the .
