
Nicholas E. Davies Memorial Scholar Award for Scholarly Activities in the Humanities and History of Medicine

The award is given for outstanding scholarly activities in history, literature, philosophy, and ethics and contributions to humanism in medicine.

The award is not limited to those directly involved in medicine. Different aspects of humanistic qualities and the human condition, especially as they relate to health and medical care, will be considered.

The awardee is offered the opportunity to give a lecture at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting.

Nominating and supporting letters should address:

  • How the nominee has demonstrated qualities of warmth, compassion, idealism, and energy pertaining to humanism in medicine.
  • What aspects of humanism and the human condition the nominee has expressed or highlighted in writings, presentations, or other scholarly activities.
  • How the nominee's contributions have influenced or impacted the medical profession or the public.

Established: 1992

In honor of the late Dr. Nicholas E. Davies, former Regent and President-elect of the College. Dr. Davies was well known and respected for his warmth, compassion, idealism, and energy.

Full Lists of Recipients