Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers


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Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
Edited by Conra D. Gist and Travis J. Bristol

Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers are underrepresented in public schools across the United States of America, with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color making up roughly 37% of the adult population and 50% of children, but just 19% of the teaching force. Yet research over decades has indicated their positive impact on student learning and social and emotional development, particularly for Students of Color and Indigenous Students. A first of its kind, the Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers addresses key issues and obstacles to ethnoracial diversity across the life course of teachers’ careers, such as recruitment and retention, professional development, and the role of minority-serving institutions. Including chapters from leading researchers and policy makers, the Handbook is designed to be an important resource to help bridge the gap between scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. In doing so, this research will serve as a launching pad for discussion and change at this critical moment in our country’s history. The volume’s goal is to drive conversations around the issue of ethnoracial teacher diversity and to provide concrete practices for policy makers and practitioners to enable them to make evidence-based decisions for supporting an ethnoracially diverse educator workforce, now and in the future.

A preview of the research and policies associated with this volume is spotlighted in a special report: “Building a More Ethhnoracially Diverse Teaching Workforce” ().

Read the:

Table of Contents


Coeditors' Introduction

Read the Press Release

91ɬÂþ Highlights Q&A with Coeditors Conra Gist and Travis Bristol

Piece by the Coeditors in The Washington Post



Praise from 91ɬÂþ Presidents for Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers, edited by Conra D. Gist and Travis J. Bristol

“This timely, engaging, and comprehensive handbook describes ingenious, visionary, and effective ways to recruit and educate students of color and Indigenous students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to become transformative teachers in the nation’s increasingly diverse, complex, and challenging schools. It is an essential reference for teacher educators.”—James A. Banks, Kerry and Linda Killinger Endowed Chair in Diversity Studies Emeritus, University of Washington, Seattle; 91ɬÂþ President 1997–1998

"This handbook is a comprehensive and powerful assemblage of work that looks at research on teachers of color and indigenous teachers. More importantly, it showcases the voices of the next generation of scholars who will lead in this area and push the research and literature to the next level. It is a must-have for teacher educators."— Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, Professor Emerita and former Kellner Family Distinguished Professor in Urban Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison; 91ɬÂþ President 2005–2006

“This handbook is timely. It provides a breadth of research documenting systemic efforts to recruit teachers from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, and captures the breadth of repertoires that a diverse teaching force offers for the wholistic development of children and adolescents in the K–12 sector, as well as in higher education. The volume is international in scope and addresses implications for both pedagogy and practice. It is a powerful resource for teacher education programs, school districts, and policy makers and researchers, all of whom play pivotal roles in diversifying our teaching force.”—Carol D. Lee, Edwina S. Tarry Professor Emerita, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University; 91ɬÂþ President 2009–2010

“This expansive and ambitious handbook is distinguished along so many dimensions. It advances a prospective and hopeful research agenda as it attends to a rich history of ideas, policies, and practices that have defined the professional and everyday lives of teachers of color and Indigenous teachers. A veritable “Who’s Who” of teachers and scholars/educators/activists of color animates the book’s key topics and concepts central to an ethnically and racially diverse educator workforce.”—Kris D. Gutiérrez, Carol Liu Professor and Associate Dean, GSE, University of California, Berkeley; 91ɬÂþ President 2010–2011

“Conra D. Gist and Travis J. Bristol have carefully curated, for this timely handbook, the work of leading and emerging scholars engaged in research centered on critical issues related to diversity in teaching and teacher education. The volume is singular in its clear and intentional focus on Black, Indigenous, and other teachers of color—from their recruitment into the profession, through their preparation, professional development, and retention, to the impact these teachers have on their students' educational outcomes. With its clarion call to diversify the teaching profession, as well as its practice-oriented and shared knowledge, this handbook provides a research-based roadmap for the critical work needed in teacher education, education policy, and K–12 settings.”— Deborah Loewenberg Ball, William H. Payne Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, University of Michigan; 91ɬÂþ President 2017–2018


1089 pages.

ISBN 978-0-935302-88-2 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-935302-89-9 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-0-935302-92-9 (ePub)
ISBN 978-0935302-93-6 (PDF eBook)





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