
Core Quality Measures Collaborative Formalized to Continue Improvements in Health Care Quality

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As health care moves toward a more value-based system, it is important that stakeholders align around evidence-based measures that can be influenced by providers and are meaningful to patients. To achieve that goal, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), have partnered with the National Quality Forum (NQF) to be the Core Quality Measures Collaborative's (CQMC) operational home and further improve health care quality for every American.

Through promotion of the core measure sets, the CQMC aims to promote quality measure alignment across public and private payers, reduce provider measure reporting burden, offer consumers actionable information about provider performance, and improve care quality and health outcomes.

ACP is pleased to join the other members of the CQMC in working together in the coming years to refine the existing eight , create additional measure sets, facilitate measure set implementation across care settings, and provide recommendations to mitigate potential barriers that may hinder measure set adoption and implementation. For more information, please visit the CQMC website .

Back to the December 07, 2018 issue of ACP Advocate