
2017 Archives

Summary and analysis of Congress' remaining end-of-the-year activities; ACP releases new policy paper on Improving Health Care Efficacy and Efficiency Through Increased Transparency
Tax-Reform Legislation Could Have 'Catastrophic' Effect on Health Care, ACP Warns; ACP Member Offers Physician's Insight at Congressional Hearing; ACP Calls for Efforts to Improve Patient Safety in Outpatient Settings
CMS releases rules on Physician Fee Schedule, Quality Payment Program; New CMS "Patients Over Paperwork" and "Meaningful Measures" initiatives align closely with ACP's "Patients Before Paperwork" efforts; Update on the current ACA open enrollment period.
ACP responds to Trump's action on the opioid epidemic; Physician labs face cute in reimbursement rates in 2018; ACP criticizes Administration's ending of mandated contraceptive coverage.
ACP lays out how to improve Medicare Advantage plans; An outlook on the upcoming ACA open enrollment; ACP reiterates call to end gun violence.
ACP keeps pressure on Congress even after failed ACA repeal vote; Physician's may see less burden under new Medicare Fee Schedule; Funding for numerous health care programs lapse as Congress fails to act.
An update on the Graham-Cassidy ACA repeal efforts; ACP reacts to Trump Administration's decision to phase out DACA program; House Subcommittee to work with ACP and others on reducing regulatory burdens
in Medicare; Congressional Democrats and President Trump cut a surprise budget deal to keep the government open.
ACA's prospects in 2018 following repeal efforts; ACP recognizes hate crimes as public health issue; Recap of ACP's QPP comments in feedback to CMS
Summary: Despite Senate defeat of repeal bill, ACA fight far from over; Deadline approaching for physicians to 'Pick Your Pace'
Latest update on congressional efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act; ACP advocates for Medicaid and maintenance of certification at AMA annual meeting
Recap of ACP's 2017 Leadership Day; Overview of ACP's recently released forward looking policy agenda; Profiling Dr. Stuart Henochowicz, winner of the Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine award.
A look at the updated CBO report on the AHCA; Exploring ACP's High Value Care Coordination Toolkit; Trump religious freedom Executive Order could violate patient's rights
Coalition of primary care docs take to the Hill against AHCA; ACP reacts to recent budget agreement; An in-depth look at TCPi resources
House passes American Health Care Act; Chronic care legislation introduced in Senate; Profiles of new ACP leadership
Looking at the future of ACA subsidies during repeal negotiations; Profiling ACP's practice transformation tools and resources; ACP unveils new tool to assist physicians with Quality Payment Program requirements.
ACP continues to oppose legislative efforts to rollback ACA coverage levels and standards; College issues papers addressing the substance abuse disorder crisis and reducing administrative burdens for physicians
Impact of ACA repeal and ACP advocacy efforts in opposition; ACP joins coalition around health impacts of climate change; ACP signs onto Supreme Court amicus brief in support of transgender rights.
ACP's take on the American Health Care Act, President Trump's travel ban executive order; Court rulings on firearms in Florida and Maryland lead to ACP's biggest win of 2017; CMS to help physicians in small practices transition to QPP.
A look at the impact of ACA repeal; Perspective and explanation of latest ACA open enrollment numbers
ACP acts on travel ban executive order; Internal medicine takes to the Hill to support ACA; DOJ blocks proposed Aetna and Humana, Cigna and Anthem insurance mergers
ACP advocates for MACRA improvements to make it less burdensome and more meaningful to physicians and patients; Group of U.S.Senators has introduced an ACP-supported bill to allow Medicare to directly negotiate the price of drugs
ACP expresses disappointment at passage of budget resolution initiating ACA repeal; Department of Veterans Affairs grants full practice authority to advanced practice nurses; U.S. Surgeon General issues report about the danger of e-cigarettes to youth