
2012 Archives

ACP Advocate Newsletter


2012 Archives


  • (December 21, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Physicians Urged to Plan Now for Possibility of Major Cuts in Federal Programs; New Analysis Describes Medicaid Expansion as Cost-Effective for States; What Will the Fiscal Cliff Mean for Me?

  • (December 7, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Wrangling in Washington Over Fiscal Cliff Issues Could Hold Peril for Physicians; Physicians Urged to Report Data on Quality of Care to Avert Penalties; New Health Regs Bring Clarity for Insurers

  • (November 16, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      With Election in the Rearview Mirror, ACP Looks Toward Challenges Ahead; Medicare Raises Rates for Primary Care Physicians; Federal Government Steps in to Create Parity in Medicaid, Medicare Payments

  • (November 2, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Positions on Health Care Help Define Candidates in Upcoming Election; Medical Groups Call on Congress to End the SGR Formula for Medicare Payments; Adding People to Medicaid Rolls Saves Lives, New Study Finds

  • (October 21, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Presidential Election Debates Put Health Care Front and Center; Physician Survey Finds Broad Support for Electronic Exchange of Clinical Information; Co-Pays and Deductibles May Be a Barrier to Care; Parties Stake Out Positions Ahead of Fiscal Cliff

  • (October 5, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Half of U.S. States Still on Fence About Participating in Medicaid Expansion; New Phase of Electronic Records Project Focuses on Improving Care; Physicians Vie for Election This Fall to U.S. Congress

  • (September 21, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Across-the-Board Cuts Loom Over Health Care as New Year Nears; Political Party Platforms Take On Health Care Issues; Evidence Tips in Favor of the Medical Home Concept

  • (September 7, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      ACP Urges Politicians to Restrain From Meddling in Physician-Patient Relationship; Changes to Electronic Claims Payments Expected to Ease Burden on Physicians; Medicare Becomes Hot Topic as Election Season Begins in Earnest; Things to Know About the Medicare Debate

  • (August 17, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      ACP Asks Congress to 'Repeal the SGR, Once and for All'; Medicare Proposal Could Mean Fee Increases for Internists

  • (July 13, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      After Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act, Attention Shifts to States; What Physicians Can Expect to See as Health Care Reform Continues

  • (June 29, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Diagnostic Coding Changes Delayed for a Year; Legislators Question Medicare Commission's Plan to Curb the Budget; Health Courts: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

  • (June 15, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      ACP Advocates Speak Their Minds on Capitol Hill; ACP Sends Congress Support for Bill to Fix Medicare; A Chamption for the Underserved

  • (May 25, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      New Bill Aims to Repeal Medicare Payment Formula; As Health Care changes, So May the Role of Patients and Families; Uninsured Patients May Heighten Risks for Those With Insurance

  • (May 4, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      With Medicare Changes in the Air, ACP Urges Lawmakers to Tread Carefully; ACP Suggests Guidelines to Ensure Public Health and Safety; Medicare Notes 'Strong Start' for Two New Programs

  • (April 20, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      New Program will Recognize Suspecialists Ready to Work with Medical Homes; Americans Spending Less on Health Care; Hospitals Could Feel the Pinch From a Repeal of Health Reform Law

  • (April 6, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Will Health Reform Law Stay or Go or Change Somehow?; Panel Suggests Fixing SGR by Freezing or Cutting Physician Payments; GOP Budget Proposal Could Be a Preview of What's to Come

  • (March 23, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Despite Congressional Attempts to Kill It, Medicare Board May Not Go Away; Federal Program Aims to Boost Number of Primary Care Doctors; 'Safety Net' Medical Coverage Cited as Aiding 50,000 People So Far

  • (March 9, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Doctors Say They're Being Unfairly Penalized by Medicare; President's New Budget Earns Nod of Approval on Many Health Issues; Mandatory 'Labeling' to Start Soon on Health Insurance Policies

  • (February 24, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Medicare Billing Snafu Leaves Practices in the Lurch; Congress Puts Medicare Payment Cuts on the Shelf Till 2013; ACP Lauds Expansion of Panel that Advises Medicare on Physicians' Work

  • (February 10, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      ACP Exhorts Politicians Not to Hold Nation's Health Care Hostage; Missing from Obama's Speech? Much About Health Care; Early Reviews Favorable for Medicare's Innovation Center

  • (January 27, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      States May Get More Control Over Insurance Offerings; Continued Rollout of Health Care Law Includes New Provisions in 2012; Medicaid Change to Be Reviewed by Supreme Court

  • (January 13, 2012)
    • In this issue:
      Looming Medicare Cuts Put on Hold Once Again; ACP Analyzes Presidential Candidates' Stands on Health Care Issues; Medicare Begins Making More Physician Data Available